Christian Grugeon

John Singer Sargent – The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit

In Copie on 20 septembre 2010 at 5 h 40 min
The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit

The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit

John Singer Sargent January 12, 1856 – April 14, 1925
The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit (221.9 x 221.6 cm)
Inscribed, lower right: John S. Sargent, 1882

Everyone who looks at «The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit», the grand-scale painting by John Singer Sargent that hangs in Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts, is drawn into its mysteries. Who are these four girls, dressed in prim pinafores? Why is the composition so far off balance? Why are two of the girls cloaked so completely in shadows that their «portraits» are little more than ghostly ciphers? When one of the girls scratches the words «Help us» on a scrap of drawing paper, Sargent realizes that he alone has the power to save them. Will the great portraitist paint the girls as they appear – or will he show the reality of their dark, mysterious lives?

Pour Louise.

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